Chicken Jerky from China may be causing Fanconi syndrome in dogs

dog eating chicken jerky

Added October 25, 2011:  Even though this story was first published in June of 2011, we are still getting reports coming in of dogs getting sick and the culprit is suspected to be chicken jerky treats manufactured in China.  Read through the comments section at the end to get more interesting discussion on this problem. Added November 4, 2011:  I have just filed a report with the FDA and alerted them to read the comments on this blog.  I would urge any of you who have a dog who you suspect is ill because of eating tainted chicken jerky to have your vet file a pet food safety report with the FDA.   Added November 18, 2011: The FDA has paid attention! Today they announced a caution against chicken jerkey. You can read it here. There is no official recall yet, but stay tuned. And please leave a comment if you think your pet has gotten sick after eating chicken jerky treats. Added December 29, 2011: MSNBC is reporting that the FDA has now announced that they are investigating 353 reports of dogs getting sick after eating chicken jerky. The FDA is working hard to determine the reason, but so far has not figured out what the culprit is! Because there is no specific product that can be blamed, the FDA has not issued a recall. Added Jan 9, 2013: There has been a recall announced on two brands of chicken jerky because of antibiotic residue. However, it is unlikely that this recall is connected to the problems described in this article and comments. Click here to read more about this recall. Note: The original article was written because some Canadian vets were suspecting that chicken jerky made in China was causing Fanconi syndrome in dogs. However, there may be more than just Fanconi syndrome now. Be sure to read the comments in this article to get the full story.

Original article starts here:

Some Canadian veterinarians are noticing an increase in cases of Fanconi syndrome.  The CVMA recently published this warning: (more…)...

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