Have a photo made from your pet’s ashes

veterinary news

This is interesting – a company in Norway has designed a way to create a photo to memorialize your pet using his or her ashes.

Photo of your pet using his ashesI think this is brilliant!  Although it’s not something I would personally do, I have a number of clients that would likely use this service.

You can find more information at Skrekkogle.com.  The website does not list any prices.  It also states that some countries may have laws regarding the handling of animal remains that could make things difficult.  But, they will help you to figure out if it can be done from your country.

What do you think?

Would you have your pet’s remains made into a photo?  Do you find it creepy?  I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below!


About the author

Dr. Marie

Dr. Marie is a veterinarian treating dogs, cats, and pocket pets. Click here to ask Dr. Marie a question.

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