Three legged dog gets a prosthetic foot.

veterinary news

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Dr. Marie

Dr. Marie is a veterinarian treating dogs, cats, and pocket pets. Click here to ask Dr. Marie a question.

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2 Responses to "Three legged dog gets a prosthetic foot."

  1. Barb says:

    My 3-Legged husky dog suffers from severe arthritis in his back hip. A prosthetic may have worked well for him as his leg was cut just above the joint. He had surgery to amputate the rest of his leg. I didn’t have any idea that arthritis would be an issue for such a young dog. He is 5 now and an amazing dog. Kids smile when they see him. He sets such a good example as Polo will too.

    1. DrMarie says:

      At this point prosthetics for pets are pretty experimental. But I’m excited for the day when it is commonplace for us to use them!

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