Woman marries her dog.

veterinary news

A woman in Ghana has married her dog. Emily Mabou, 29, of Aburi, married the 18-month-old dog in a ceremony complete with priest. Her family boycotted the marriage stating that it was “a stupid step to combat her loneliness”. So, why did she marry the dog?

In Emily’s words, “For so long, I’ve been praying for a life partner who will have all the qualities of my dad. My dad was kind, faithful, and loyal to my mum, and he never let her down.

“I’ve been in relationships with so many men…, and they are all the same… skirt-chasers and cheaters. My dog is kind, and loyal to me and he treats me with so much respect.”

About the author

Dr. Marie

Dr. Marie is a veterinarian treating dogs, cats, and pocket pets. Click here to ask Dr. Marie a question.

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