Questions about kittens:

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mix breed question:Hi, my four month old cat has not stopped doing runny poos since i have had her. i got her from the animal refuge almost three weeks ago.i am rely worried because now there is blood in it to. i ha...

siamese question:Hi I have a kitten and he has developped a very hard lump on his chest, its on the underneath of him and i can only describe it feeling like a bone sticking straight out however i know its not his rib because his ribs are tiny compared to this nodule/nobble / hard lump..... have you any idea what it might be and how it can be fixed

longhair? question:Hi Dr. Marie. I recently just brought a young kitten home and he is probably 4 weeks old now. He is starting to walk and walk fast. When I stimulate him to go to the bathroom, he will go pee but no p...

tabby question:we have two 12 week old kittens. last week we looked after two 7 week old kittens for a relative. They had not been inoculated and came to us with diarreaha which we were told was because they had d...

domestic short haire question:I have a feral cat that hangs around my workplace. I have had him neutered. He also received his rabies vaccination. He is not quite a year old. I took him to the vet yesterday. They found blood in hi...

not a breed cat question:Hi, I recived a new male cat and I would like to know if exist a "tablett" or something to prevent "heat". I don't want to caste him actually. Thank you, Chantal

i don't know question:hello, my name is kelly horne. we recently got a new cat, i was told she's 6 months old. since being here she has not used her litterbox once. i've researched online and tried everything i could fi...

black persian mix question:Hello I took in a stray female cat about 10 days ago. HER behaviour is odd. She attached herself to my screen door and started making a fuss for me to help her, so I brought her in and fed her,and ...

Not sure question:Hi, I recently bought cat shampoo, and through research found that it was dangerous, so I haven't and won't use it. I looked up alternatives to pet shampoo, and found that Dawn dish soap, or dilu...

1 male and 1 femail question:Hello my name is kristbjorg and im from iceland. I have a cat thats 8 months old and i just got a nother one whom i safed from death she was found ouside in bad shape and she is only 5 weeks old and...

oreo question:the kitten is about 2mths old and has diarea she was a wild kitten born outside which we caught. We gave her a dewormer and since then she has had diarea for over a wk she is very active but I worry she always has a loose stool what should I give her. We can't aford to to take her to the vet. Thank you

he is a mix i am not question:my kitten all of a sudden got a red around his left eye. He keeps pawing at it when he licks his paw and he will try to open it but it doesn't get very far. I tried putting water in his eye, he seems ...

mix question:Her butt was bleeding bad (out of the hole), the blood was thick and bright red. I wormed her on Monday (today is Thursday). She didn't show any signs of pain, she was playing with her brother when my sister picked her up and noticed. She doesn't seem to be bleeding anymore, but what's the problem and should I be concerned?

domestic question:Hi there my 9 week old male kitten has been drinking water non stop from his bowl this morning, at first he was a bit lethargic and just wanted to sleep, but hes a bit more playfull now but constantly drinking. he has urinated once this morning in his litter tray, and does not seem interested in his dry food. he is due at vets today for his vaccination.

regular cat question:My kitty is a very playful cat. Runs, jumps and cuddles all day long. He is looking for me to give him food when I'm cooking. Since yesterday he is sleeping all day long not eating. I gave him his fav...

British shorthair question:Hi, I have a kitten who is 4 weeks and a few days. Ive noticed today that where the umbilical cord was attached there is a small hard lump about half the size of a 5p. The other kittens have all lost...

Calico question:Hey there, I spoke with you a few days ago about my kittens that have worms. The kittens were treated with Strongid (pyrantel pamoate) two days ago but they are still passing live worms. I believe...

Calico question:Hey there, I just got two 9 week old kittens. They have had their shots but they have not been dewormed and i noticed that they have worms. I have made an appointment for them to get dewormed on ...

Long Hair question:I just got a new kitten but one of the cats in my house is attacking him. Ever since I got the new kitten the other 4 cats have been aggressive towards each other. I don't want them to fight. I don't want to get rid of the kitten. What can I do?

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Dr. Marie was quick to respond and thorough in suggesting treatment for my cat. I am so thankful- I have been so worried about my cat. Now I have additional options to discuss with my vet.

The service was incredibly fast and the vet's suggestions were right on target. This was incredibly helpful given that none of the vets in my area, mine now included, will take off hours calls now.

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Dr. MarieDr. Marie is a veterinarian who practices in a busy animal hospital in Ottawa, Ontario. She created Ask A Vet Question as a resource for good, accurate veterinary advice online. Dr. Marie treats dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, and rats. She has been a vet since 1999.

Is an online vet visit just as good as a trip to your veterinarian? No! But, many times, asking an online veterinarian a question can help save you money. While Dr. Marie can't officially diagnose your pet or prescribe medications, she can often advise you on whether a vet visit is necessary. You can also ask Dr. Marie for a second opinion on your pet's condition.