hello, i have a boxer and it is the third time that he has some kind of wound inside his anus, o don't know what it is and the vetenary here in my country also don't know.
It's like around his anus there are ruptures, it inflates and bleeds also.
the second time he had that a veterinary gave him some injections and the wound disapeared, he was ok for 2 weeks, but now he is having the same thing again, can i send you pictures so that it can help you more ?
excuse my english.
Thank you in advance
Dr. Marie replied:
Oh, I am sorry to hear that Thor is having these problems.
I would love to see pictures. I have some ideas, but photos will really help. You can send the photos to photos@askavetquestion.com. I'll be online for another couple of hours so as soon as I've had a look at the photos I'll reply again and see if I can help you out at all.
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Disclaimer: Although Dr. Marie is a qualified veterinarian, the information found on this site is not meant to replace the advice of your own veterinarian. AskAVetQuestion.com and Dr. Marie do not accept any responsibility for any loss, damage, injury, death, or disease which may arise from reliance on information contained on this site. Do not use information found on this site for diagnosing or treating your pet. Anything you read here is for information only.
Customer reply:
The blueish green stuff is what the veterinary gave me the last time he had the same thing, it’s some kind of anticeptic and it helps to heal wounds, it’s a spray ( terramycin wound spray, from pfizer )
Also he gave me a white spray zymagout, it chases flies, because they laid eggs into the wound and there was a lot of maggots inside.
Dr. Marie replied:
Oh, the poor boy. This looks so uncomfortable.
Now, I can't officially give you a diagnosis over the internet, but I am concerned that Thor may have something called perianal fistulas. It's worthwhile to ask your vet about this. It's not common and while it usually happens with German Shepherd dogs, it can happen in any breed.
If this is a perineal fistula, the treatment is difficult. Some dogs will respond to steroid medication (i.e. prednisone). It may be that the first injection that helped was steroid, but we can't keep giving steroid injections.
But, most need strong immunosuppressive drugs. You can ask your vet about whether or not drugs like tacrolimus or cyclosporin are available in your area.
Sometimes surgery to remove some of the affected tissue can help. Neutering Thor may help to improve things as well. And some dogs do really well if they are fed a hypoallergenic food.
Unfortunately, perianal fistulas are usually a very chronic problem. If we find a medication that helps then he will likely need to stay on it for the rest of his life.
I really hope he does ok.
Dr. Marie.
Customer reply:
thank you very much for your help.
I will explain our conversation to my vet and see if i can get those meds you told me in a drugstore here.
One last thing this disease really made him skinny, i can even see his ribs, what can help him gain weight again after a succesful treatment?
Dr. Marie replied:
This condition doesn't usually cause a dog to be skinny. There may be something else going on.
A few thoughts - you could ask your vet for some dewormer for Thor.
If it's possible to do blood testing it would be great to see if there is evidence of another problem going on in his body.
It is also possible that what you are seeing on his anus is actually a cancer. This is not common where I live, but it is possible. Cancer can cause a dog to lose a lot of weight.
In most cases when a dog is skinny, feeding him puppy food will help (but you need to clear this with your vet first.)
Customer reply:
Thank you very much.
Hope that your advice will help cure thor.
God bless you.
Kind regards.
Lionel d'Entrecasteaux
Mauritius Island
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Dr. Marie is a veterinarian who practices in a busy animal hospital in Ottawa, Ontario. She created Ask A Vet Question as a resource for good, accurate veterinary advice online. Dr. Marie treats dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, and rats. She has been a vet since 1999.
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